Red House Spiders

red spider woodlouse

Have you spotted a red spider in your house? Maybe you’ve seen tiny little red mites or a larger spider with a red body or back. There are several different species of spider that can fall under the “red house spider” umbrella and while most will be harmless to humans, there is at least one that can be dangerous to your health. Using this guide will help you identify the type of red spider you’re dealing with and to work out if it’s poisonous or not. 

What Was That Red Spider In My House?

How Big Is The Red Spider?

If we’re talking tiny, and we mean tiny, as in a pinhead size, it’s another type of arachnid called the clover mite. If the spider is quite squat and compact and has a body length of just under half an inch or about 1 cm, it might be a red backed Johnson’s jumping spider. Any larger and it’s more likely to be a red woodlouse spider,a  red house spider or maybe even a black widow. If you see a much larger brownish-red spider with large mouthparts that look like boxing gloves, that’s a hobo spider. 

Does The Spider Have Red Markings?

If it’s red all over, it’s either a clover mite, a red house spider or a woodlouse spider. If it has a solid, bright red back or abdomen, it’s a Johnson’s jumping spider. The female jumping spider also has a black stripe in the middle of a red back or abdomen. If it’s a shiny black spider with a red hourglass marking on the abdomen, it’s a black widow. 

Are Red Spiders Dangerous?

Yes and no. Clover mites are extremely small and are not dangerous to humans but will leave annoying red stains on fabrics and surfaces if crushed. Red woodlouse spiders can bite humans but the amount of venom injected is usually not enough to cause any medical issues. Red backed jumping spiders and red house spiders can also bite but are not poisonous or harmful to humans. There is a species of spider called the “redback spider” which is highly venomous but it’s not native to North America and is not currently found here. While the hobo spider looks aggressive with its “boxing gloves” on, a bite from one of these spiders is not toxic to humans. The black widow, however, is one of the most dangerous spiders in the world due to the potency of its venom and its widespread distribution bringing it into close contact with humans every day. While it’s unlikely that a black widow bite will cause death, the toxins they inject can severely affect humans with symptoms that can last for several days. 

How Common Are Red House Spiders?

In some parts of the United States, red house spiders (Nesticodes rufipes) are very common but they are most often found more in California, Texas and Florida than they are in the rest of the country. It’s possible that other parts of the west are home to red house spiders but they’re not among the most common spiders in the region. If you live in the west and have seen a red spider in your home, it’s more likely to be a woodlouse spider. 

How Can I Get Rid of Red Spiders?

It’s understandable that you wouldn’t want your home to be infested with spiders but it’s not likely to happen with any of the red spiders listed here. The most common red bug to infest your home would be the clover mite which, while annoying, won’t have any negative effects on your health. Spiders are usually beneficial to the garden, eating other pests and generally staying out of the way. If you do have a red spider issue, however, or you want to stop red spiders from coming into your home, there are some steps you can follow:

  • Seal up any cracks, gaps or holes in the exterior of your building, especially around windows and door frames.
  • If you have window screens, check that they’re in good condition with no holes.
  • Avoid attracting a red spider’s food source into your home, such as ants and flies.
  • Keep grass, plants and overhanging branches away from the main entrance to your home.
  • Dust the corners of your home to remove existing cobwebs. 
  • If you do see any red spiders or clover mites, you can vacuum them up or catch and release them outside. 
  • In the case of a severe infestation of red spiders, or if you have found black widows in your home, contact a professional pest control company. 


red clover mite on cement

As spider enthusiasts, we’ve come to learn about these fascinating creatures. However, there are plenty of people out there that find them less than desirable, especially when they’re in their homes! It can be especially concerning when the spiders are a bright, scary, red. We want to share some of what we’ve learned with those who come across red spiders either outdoors or indoors.

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